Sunday, November 16, 2008

Business Processes Re- Engineering

Its now time for the world companies to look into re-structuring...which means the entire existing business processes need to be re-engineered to meet the current demands of the global economy. What does it mean? It is a strategical change in the way the things were perceived, interpreted and executed. Which means that right from the planning till the execution of the new processes, everything had to be revisited. Just like the way, people looked at the burning houses in California but the day next, ensured to re look into what best can be done to move forward. The same synthesis applies to business economics also.
Move forward! Yes, the biggest questions lies behind on what need to be changed, how to be changed, and what is the cost and time involved and a real readiness for the change from the conservative way of approach in the business. The Auto Industry need to look into more fuel efficient, economic and reliable vehicles on road. The manufacturing plants need to revamp with newer technologies which would be one time investment and time for change in tools and machinery. The travel industry need to look into more economic and viable solutions than aiming for the cosy infrastructure and advertising. The Financing industry need to start picking up lessons from the past and look into more conservative ways of financing that proved fatal and also look into the Asian financing system that much more stronger on fundamentals. The Insurance sector need to look into what the terms and conditions stated can be redefined. The health sector need to reestablish with tie up with insurance companies and corporates to bring in a more down to earth health packages and solutions to reach the common man. The Pharmaceutical industry need to get more organised with clubbing of solutions instead of we having 10 different medicines for simple headache, the medical fraternity can work towards simpled single solution that is economical, viable and effort worthy.. the fashion and film industry should bring in a change in the kind of amount that is spent on unnecessary things and can divert towards social causes. Infact the political scenario of few countries need to be changed for the political freedom is useless with out the economic independence. Our old stories of colonisation, and history of Russia, South Korea and Mexico are strong examples of how industrial growth and economy viability within the countries is essential to withstand global recessions and its impacts.
By all means, there is lot more of work coming up....especially its time for companies to look up strong strategists who can work on corporate objectives to enhance the smooth transition towards growth and re-engineering. It is a mammoth task but a definite task that need to be accomplished sooner than later. India's IIM and top university grads can help to build this process, for we have a talent pool which is a mixture of engineering skills and also economic considerations along with process orientation. Its time for Processes and Projects to go hand in hand and to be in par all times. COMMON INDIA, THE WORLD NEEDS YOUR BRAINS AND TALENTS TO RESTRUCTURE THE ECONOMIES...JUST GO AHEAD AND DO YOUR BIT TO REVITALISE AND STOP THE TUMBLING BLOCKS FROM FALLING.....

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