Friday, April 10, 2020

#Day10 Napowrimo2020 - Queen of JHANSI- Rani Laxmi Bai- A poetic tribute to the fighter of all times

Jhansi Ki Rani….Symbol of strength, resilience and woman’s will

Unseen Story Of Jhansi Ki Rani Rani Laxmi Bai Martyr Day ...


As the India was ravaged by war and loss of freedom
Royal thrones been captured and tension eating them
A new wave of freedom struggle started to spread
The thoughts of independence emerged to fed
There appeared the courage of Queen of Jhansi
On a horse, with the child in her tow and will in the heart


Swords and spears started to glitter in her hands
Laxmibai was talented in knifes and axes weapons too
Influenced by the valorous stories of Chatrapathi Sivaji
Queen of Jhansi was equally a terror to the British intruders
Her people believed that she was Durga Devi’s incarnation
With her fearless attitude, inbuilt attitude and power to fight evil


Laxmi had the great wisdom to draft the war strategy
And made her army strong and powerful to attack the prey
She fought like a man,  fierce through like a tornado
When the time demanded her raise to be a queen
Not just showering the spirit of joy and celebration
But the only hope that her people had against devastation


Queen of Jhansi, stood the test of time
Decorated the Palaces with the candles to light
To chase away the darkness and dispel the evil eyes
Dark clouds of misfortune engulfed the Royal Palace
With the death of her husband, the king and forbearing threat
She let her bangles go, to take up the sword for the battles to fight


Despite the fate being cruel and freedom being expensive
It was just the time to raise above the destiny that was unkind
To her goddess Durga, she cried grief stricken and at loss
But the next morning, she took up the life on her sleeves
Courage in her blood and gallantry in her skill
She was ready to go to the battle and enemy to kill


The lights of the royal palace were lit again bright
Chasing Dalhousie and his plans to usurp the kingdom
She was ready to defend the throne and bring down the enemy flag
British took over the rule of Jhansi self-proclaiming as guardians of orphan land
Rani could not hold back her tears, but raised above the fears
Took up the courage on herself to battle it out to death to save her land


The enemy intruders who came in disguise of poor merchants
Queen could not take up the insults of her National leaders
She did not mind the disguise of the maid servant
To poison the enemy mind and confuse them fervent
It was the moment, that India was losing the Capital
And rheostat of each state and territory from its control


A piece of troubled history as Peshwa imprisoned
And the tragedy of Nagpur, Udaipur, Tanjore and Satara
The enemy started to capture Sindh, Punjab and Assam
The tale of fall of Bengal, Madras shook the Nation strong
Rani let go her royal clothes and ornaments and wept on disaster
Yet, the next dawn, she raised above her fear to fight the battle strong


Royal houses insulted and cottages filled with grief
Women and children royally maltreated and abused
Atrocities of the British took its heads all over and over
The titles of great warriors and weapons have all been lost
Palaces captured, kingdoms broken, and royal treasures stolen
Giving way for the new beginning of the holy war of Freedom


The sight of Queen of Jhansi awoke the divine spirit of people of India
The sleeping courage and spirit of freedom took its new bold head
Fire of revolt started and started to get hot like a burning sun
Spread from royal palaces to the houses of poor or common folk
Sparks of freedom started from inner soul of India’s beloved
Laxmi Bai, became the symbol of hope, fearlessness and proved


Freedom struggle that started with Sipoy Mutiny and Jhansi
Spread its wings to Delhi, Lucknow, Meerut, Kanpur and Patna
Many brave lives were lost and laid to rest from Jabalpur
As the fire of freedom spread all through India spiking in Kolhapur
Names that were known and known as the lives kept being lost
But the hopes of Free India were growing wide and fast


Shunned as rebels of those times with their fight for freedom
The heavens took them with prides as ancient history to come
Greatest sacrifices called as crimes against the British Ruled India
The tales of bravery of those great men is forever captured in history
As the battlefields of Jhansi shined with the glitters of Jhansi’s swords
And the sounds of victory and faith emerged from the blood poured


Queen of Jhansi stood boldly with other brave men in the battlefield
With the people’s army, Rani drew her sword, with drums beating from heavens
Wounded the enemy making them astonish with her agility
Rani’s horse raced hard journey of hundreds of miles
Reaching Kalpi and fell to the ground, leaving her alone
Rani sprang ahead defeating the enemy in Gwalior and Yamuna


British had to fear the courage of the Rani of Jhansi
After the initial win of the freedom fighters who battled it out
Fighting furiously and moving ahead with the only hope
Of Mother India, emerging ahead with the Purna Swaraj
Then came the inevitable with new British strategy and tactic
Conquering and surrounding Queen of Jhansi from all sides


Wounded deeply but not giving up, she continued to fight
Managed to get through the mighty British army
But in the end, a drain made her horse stuck and struggle
Giving room for enemies to surround and attack the Queen
Rani, fought like a Lioness till the end, succumbed to the woods
Attaining the glorious martyrdom in the war for her motherland


Queen of Rani, martyred in the freedom struggle and battlefield
The light of her divine soul transcended as light in the heavens above
Died young, laid to rest for her divine spirit to fight for her land
She was called the Devi Durga by her people respecting her life
As she was the spirit of light, freedom, courage and inner strength
Yes, this is the tale of courage of the Queen of Jhansi...Rani Laxmi Bai!


We the People of India, will be ever indebted to your sacrifice
The sacrifice that awakened the indestructible soul of freedom
History will regard the greatest gallantry of war that you fought
You are the symbol of motherhood, victory and eternal token of courage
Queen of Rani, blessed is this country to have given birth to you
For you are the tale of courage,  forever Queen of Jhansi, Rani Laxmi Bai

Jai Hind!

1 comment:

Poonam Sahay said...

A Great Tribute to the awesome heroine and model of all times!