Monday, April 15, 2024

NaPoWriMo 2024- Day 15- The Artist ( My dedicated poem to Legendary Artist Sri Thota Tharrani sir. )


In Thota Tharrani's canvas, colours dance,

A symphony of hues, in every glance.

Vibrant pigments, alive and bold,

Each stroke a story, waiting to be told.

With depth and dimension, his art unfurls,

Capturing life's essence, in swirls.

From bustling streets to tranquil seas,

His creations evoke emotions, with ease.

In each composition, deep concepts reside,

Layers of meaning, waiting to be spied.

Life's situations, portrayed with grace,

In Thota Tharrani's art, find their place.

Through his lens, the world's beauty shines,

In every shadow, in every line.

With brush in hand, he paints life's scenes,

A maestro of colours, in every dream.

So let us celebrate this artist's gift,

Whose visual arts uplift and uplift.

In Thota Tharrani's creations, we find,

A reflection of life, beautifully designed.

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